Elder Stucki

Elder Stucki

I'm a Mormon

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 8??? Is it bad I don't know?

I attempted to eat the biggest burrito I've ever seen today! And oh my gosh it was crazy!!! The challenge is called "Big Burtha" and you have to finish this burrito that is upwards to 4 pounds! If you finish it you go up on the wall of fame and and you get a free tee shirt. Sadly I didn't finish it, I took the wrong approach to eating it... Have any ideas on how to prep myself guys? My goal is to do it one day.
Last night we went on splits and I was with Elder Astel, gees he is a good guy! Everything was smooth today and I enjoyed his company a ton! We had one lady say that we failed our mission and that if we ever showed up again to her house she would call the cops on us... Weird! Then this other lady called and said that she signed a blood pact with this guy and she is married to him to the death now, I guess she has Demons following her now and stuff and we are going to help her out I guess. That was freaking interesting, and I'm sure it will be interesting when we "Go to help her out" I'm wondering if it's going to be like a horror movie with all that kind of stuff haha! But we gave Linda a Book of Mormon and she was super happy and was feeling the spirit super strongly! Good day! I got a poster from Eliqal... Of KRAMMER!!!
For all those who are reading this know that I have the best Mother in the world. So besides my mom being the best mom ever it was Elder Cocas birthday today 🎉🎂
A lot has happened today. Woke up this morning and started moving all of our study room into our bedroom because guess what? The G1 Elders are living with us now and we are crammed tight in the bedroom. So that's pretty fun, but that's not the best part. The best part of it all is that I had my first baptism today!!! Woot woot 🎉🎉🎉 it was great! We sang Angles we have heard on high for the opening and the closing. Brother Edward is now officially apart of the church! It was amazing to be apart of the whole thing and I'm so grateful I was able to partake, partake of the CAKE! 🎂 Anyways it was cool because after he came up to me and said that it was because of me that he decided to be baptized and it warmed me up a whole ton. Even though there is literally nothing I did! Heavenly Father sure does work in mysterious ways... Anyways it was a blessing and a half.
I love Sunday's here on the mission. I never realized how important church is and how blessed we are to be able to go every week. Before it was something I did because it was just why we did, but now I've come to realize just how much of a blessing it is! Geez all I can say is that this church is true! So we were finishing up weekly planning
and we get this call from this woman crying saying she needs us to pray with her. We have no idea who she is but we show up to her boyfriends apartment and its in some pent house (Rich dude, I know why she's dating him) but besides that it was a sad situation. He used to be in the church but left, she used to be Catholic but stopped going and so now they basically left God behind and that's when her sickness started kicking in she said. We going to give her a blessing tomorrow and then the give her off to the sister missionaries. It's really sad and I feel super bad for her...
Today we moved Elder Astel out of the house. He was transferred into another area and it was sad to see him go. So I'm with Elder Baguley right now at the car wash writing this. Geez I'm loving the mission right now. Sadly we dropped our two investigators with baptismal dates, they stopped having interest all of a sudden and it was sad to let them go. I guess you can't save them all... So we are back to zero investigators... It's okay though! We just have to keep doing our best, the blessings will come and if we don't see them I'm sure other people are.

So that's what happened during this week! Thank you guys for the love and support! We as a zone were super fortunate to have a photographer in our ward so we got some pictures! Don't go to crazy over them okay?
Haha anyways I need you guys at home to do me favor... SHARE THIS GOSPEL!!!!!! Thanks :) And this is my favorite picture of Christ because when I was little I told my Mom that I was the boy Jesus was holding and she was the girl in the river. Her husband (now ex) asked how my mom got in the river and I looked at him and said, "You pushed her." Our Savior will help us through anything... He loves us. So much. Never forget that...

"Big Burtha"







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